Next Generation Sequencing Workshop
March 10 - April 21 2010

Week 6 (April 21)
Miscellaneous topics, based on feedback from participants.   

There is an online discussion forum set up for this workshop.  Workshop announcements will be posted there, and it is the best place to ask any workshop related questions, all teachers and organizers will be monitoring this forum closely. Workshop participants will need to register on forum website to obtain forum id before posting.

Week 6 data files:
            public directories
            protected directories
NOTE: User id and password to access protected files have been e-mailed to registered participants. Replace "usr" in the link above with the user id you received. 

Based on workshop attendee feedback and the availability of speakers this session agenda is:

3:30pm Workshop remarks and announcements. Adam Siepel

3:35pm "Challenging issues in library prep/set up, for example, concerning bar coding" by Peter Schweitzer

3:55pm "Moving from 'toy' workshop exercises to real research projects. Tips and pointers to useful resources. How to deposit data in public databases" by Qi Sun

4:15pm "Overview of UCSC Genome Browser and other Web Resources" by Josh Waterfall

4:35pm "Upcoming technologies and upgrades" by George Grills

Each topic will include a short presentation and time for open discussion, this session will be more interactive. Please send us your feedback as soon as possible!

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