
Genomic Sequence Data Analysis  
November 4 - 20 2019

The Bioinformatics Facility will offer three data analysis workshops this year, including RNA-Seq Data Analysis, Genomic Sequence Data Analysis, and Genome Annotation And Sequence Based Gene Function Prediction. 

The second workshop, Genomic Sequence Data Analysis will have three sessions, covering reference guided variant calling, bulked segregant analysis, and de novo genome assembly. 

Every workshop will include lectures and practical exercises, that can be conducted on your own machine, or on BioHPC Lab workstations especially reserved for the workshop. Our workstations run Linux operating system, so if you are going to use our machines and are new to Linux computing environment you may want to attend our free  workshops "Introduction to BioHPC Lab" and "Linux for Biologists". You can also use both workshop materials posted online to refresh your Linux skills:

Linux for Biologists Part 1   Linux for Biologists Part 2   Linux for Biologists Part 3

Access to BioHPC Lab workstations requires a Lab account. If you do not yet have an account on BioHPC Lab system, we will create one for you. Also, we will assign a machine for you to work on during  the workshop (during and after the sessions). Machine reservations will be active from November 14 th until end of the day December 11th.

Machine allocations will be posted here.

Workshop Outline  
Session 1 Nov 4 2019 3:30PM - 5:00PM 655 Rhodes
Alignment of Illumina sequencing reads and variant calling.
Session 2 Nov 6 2019 3:30PM - 5:00PM 655 Rhodes Hall
Hands-on session
Session 3 Nov 11 2019 3:30PM - 5:00PM 655 Rhodes
Bulked segregant analysis for fine mapping of genes.  
Session 4 Nov 13 2019 3:30PM - 5:00PM 655 Rhodes Hall
Hands-on session
Session 5 Nov 18 2019 3:30PM - 5:00PM 655 Rhodes
Genome assembly and genome quality evaluation. 
Session 6 Nov 20 2019 3:30PM - 5:00PM 655 Rhodes Hall
Hands-on session
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